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P7 trip to Planetarium

P7 went to the Armagh Planetarium on Wednesday. Firstly, after the
journey they went to see a documentary on the life of Neil Armstrong. It
was very long and interesting and it taught us more about him. Secondly
we created our own rockets by putting on a weight, cone and wings, then
we filled them with water and we got to launch them ourselves, but we got
a bit wet! Then we got to see and feel space rocks, meteorites and comets.
The biggest one weighed 22lb and was worth £10,000! The smallest one
was worth £200,000! After that we got to find out what life was like at the
ISS! Some of the things that they said were a bit disgusting! Next we went
to the gift shop which was full of fascinating things – we were all keen to
spend our money! Finally, the BEST bit of all THE DIGITAL THEATRE! We
got to find out more about the planets in a cool way in comfortable seats. The grand finale was a ride on the amazing space roller-coaster. Some people felt a bit sick!
Written by Sienna and Emilie (P7 pupils)