Our new topic is all about ‘Moving Things’ 🚗 ✈️ As part of this topic we will be learning about forces and magnetism.
P1 have been exploring lots of different emotions and talked about the different way to display our emotions and how we feel. We had fun today using play dough to create different emotions.
Today’s challenge was figure out how to melt the ice and realise the stickers hiding inside. P1 tried lots of different ways to melt the ice. We used salt, we tried blowing on the ice, holding the ice in our hands, banging the ice, hammering the ice and wrapping the ice in paper towels.
We identified the 2D shapes which make up 3D objects. We discussed the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. P1 completed a challenge to build a tower without it collapsing. We talked about the best shapes to use and why.