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Ditch the dark day in P2! We tested our fluorescent and reflective clothing. We turned off the lights and pretended to be car headlights by shining torchlights. Stay safe out in the dark - Be Bright, Be Seen!

Investigating e sounds in cvc words and split digraphs

Digit card subtraction - we worked in pairs to make subtraction sums. We are very clever 🙂

Our phonic tasks 🌟

⭐️ Fireworks art ⭐️ we used chalk to draw on black card to create beautiful firework displays in the night sky. Don’t they look great!

🎃 A problem to solve- how are we going to weigh our big pumpkin? We took it outside to the enormous balance scales in the grassy area! It took 6 large pebbles to balance the pumpkin. Look closely to find out what we used to create 2D shapes! Cones, acorns and conkers helped us to work out our subtraction sums 😊

Carving out our pumpkin to make a pumpkin lantern was great fun. We had to do lots of thinking and we used our sequencing frame to sequence the instructions. There were lots of seeds and orange, slimy flesh.

Learning about how vibrations create sounds. We made our own stringed instrument from a can and rubber band. Then we played them 😃

Exploring the grassy area and looking for signs of autumn.

Subtraction sums are fun using conkers.

P2 are practising their ball skills - rolling, throwing and catching with some control .

P2 collecting signs of autumn. It was a beautiful autumn day on Tuesday 1st October 😊

Fun making CVC words with cubes and making the ‘er’ digraph with play dough. 😀

P2 used play dough to make words with the digraph ‘ar’ 😃
