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Our new topic is all about the farm ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ”๐Ÿด We have an exciting trip to Streamvale Farm this term - we can’t wait to see lots of different animals and learn all about farm life. As part of this topic, we will be learning about the different jobs on a farm, the different types of farms, farm animals and farm machinery. Keep checking our class page to keep up to date with our learning journey! 

Estimating and Measuring Length

Recognising coins


We worked with a partner to make a picture using Numicon shapes. Then we asked each other questions about how many spots are on some parts of the picture. eg. “How many spots on the 2 leaves?” “How many spots on 3 petals?”



As part of our farm topic we have been focusing this week on hens. As part of our learning we discussed eggs that we get from the hens. We thought of descriptive words to describe the eggs and had lots of fun exploring the different textures of boiled or raw eggs. Our classroom did not smell great afterwards!! ๐Ÿณ 

Partitioning - The story of 4 and 5

We made the most of the beautiful weather this week by getting outside for our play.

Estimating the number of buttons

Farm Animal Number Line Pairs Game

Farm Shop

We chose 2 items from the farm shop price list and counted out the correct number of 1p coins on our purse. After, we recorded the story sum below it. 

Our Favourite Farm Animal

We decided which farm animal was our favourite and added it to our class pictogram. We then had a chat about the results. We even had a go at practising our addition skills by working out how many people liked two of the animals altogether. 

Farm Animal Repeating Patterns

Our favourite game - Key word BINGO

Play Based Learning

Streamvale Farm Visit


Still image for this video
Very excited on our bus journey to the farm ๐Ÿ„๐Ÿ”๐Ÿท

Painting Tractors
