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Our new topic is sound and light 💡 

Using a connecting frame during numeracy

Buying items from the Christmas ship with different coins 💰

Key word pairs game

Experimenting with digital instruments 🎸🎹🥁

Repeating pattern winter scarf 🧣

Using a pictogram to identify our favourite percussion instrument 🥁 🪘

Making shakers!

Sentence Construction using our key words

Parts of the eye 👁

As part of our ‘light and sound’ topic we discussed how light enters our eyes. We spoke about how to be safe with our eyes and about all the different jobs each part of the eye has! 

P1 have been exploring different heights and widths. We decorated candles and compared which were tall, short, thick and thin.

Indoor Play

Practising formation of ‘h’

Number 7

This week we are learning all about the number 7. We completed number stations exploring 7 using numicon, making sets of 7 and practising number formations. 

Building CVC words

Friendship Stickers

P1 talked about friendship and what makes a good friend. We made a friendship sticker and shared them with the class. 

How many more to make 6?

P1 have been exploring how many more to make a number. This week we focused on number 6. We used pom poms and numicon. We took turns to roll a dice and add the number rolled of pom poms. We counted how many more pom poms we needed to make 6. 

Programming the Bee-Bot to go backwards and forwards to a specific spot ⬅️➡️

Thick and Thin

P1 used play dough to explore and create thick and thin shapes. As an extra challenge we sorted our shapes using a Venn diagram. 

Outdoor Learning Area 🍁

We made a class pictogram of our favourite colours 🟡🟣🔴🔵

Number 6 rotation tasks

Formation of ‘e’

Play Based Learning

We identified sources of light and worked on our accuracy when using scissors ✂️ 💡
