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We are exploring where we live on our globe, our world map and then creating our own map of Dublin.

We are learning a new language - Mandarin.

We love to play all together outside in the garden area

We are exploring how we can travel in PE.

We had fun creating 3D houses using cereal boxes and lots of different 2D shapes. We even gave our house a number!

We used the iPads to photograph different shaped objects and then we mirrored them onto the panel. It was fun😀

PE in the hall was good fun with the hoops.

Using Thinking Frames in P2. We used the ‘Describing Frame’ to complete our work on Little Red Riding Hood. 🙂

P2 sequencing the Story of Little Red Riding Hood. They used a ‘Sequencing Frame’ to sequence the story of ‘Barnaby Bear Goes to Dublin’ 😊

Fun with numbers to 20

We are exploring our topic through Thinking Frames and map work
