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We have started our new topic for term 2B. This half term we will be learning all about ‘Growing Things’ 🌻🌿🥕 We loved reading the story about ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ as an introduction to this topic. Keep an eye out for our own planting activities this half term! We can’t wait to plant and care for different plants and seeds. 

Coding using Scratch Jr on the iPads

To fit in with our new ‘Growing Things’ topic, we programmed a code that enabled a  flower to grow bigger. We even changed the colour of our chosen flower and picked cool backgrounds. 

Pancake Tuesday 🥞

We loved reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’

Numeracy - Combining Sets

🧲 Magnets 🧲 As part of our ‘Forces’ and ‘Moving Things’ topic we were learning about magnets. We discussed materials that magnets attract and had a go at discovering items in the classroom that are magnetic.

Having fun with Magnets

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💕We practised using our new key words ‘love’ and ‘from’ by making a valentines card for somebody we love 💕

Handwriting Competition

Formation of ‘b’

🧊 Ice Experiment 🧊

After reading the book ‘Ridiculous!’ we have been have been keeping a weather diary and chatting about the different types of weather we experience. In the story there is lots of ice and snow, so we had a discussion about how ice is made. We then froze some different objects in ice cubes and thought of different ways to speed up the melting process. We tried using hot water, leaving them to melt on their own, salt and even had a go at hammering the ice.

We made our own sentences based on the characters from our big book ‘Ridiculous’

⭐️ Practical Problem Solving ⭐️

Length - we made towers for Teddy and ordered them from the shortest to the tallest

Ordinal Number

We played a game with our friends to try and spot the missing number in the number line. It was lots of fun!!

Weight - we used balance scales to weigh cubes and bears.

Money Work

Fitness Freddie

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As part of Mental Health Week, P1 enjoyed a visit from Fitness Freddie. They had so much fun and left feeling in great mood!

We were learning about different shapes. Together we worked as a team to build a tower using 3D shapes. We had to think carefully about which shape made the best base for a steady tower.
