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We have enjoyed completing Christmas crafts in school this week!

It’s not Christmas without a rendition of Jingle Bells with boomwhackers!! Well done P3!

Still image for this video

We had a great time learning how to read music and play the bells. Look how hard we are concentrating!

Still image for this video

Lots of Christmas crafting this week!

AR Success in P3

We had fun in the inflatable snow globe!

We worked with our friends from RISE on our listening skills!

Practical measuring in P3

We have been learning about 3D shape and exploring edges, faces and vertices. We have used lots of different methods to enhance our learning, for example, videos and practical work with the big shapes. Here we are having a go at recreating cylinders, pyramids, cubes and cuboids with straws and dough. Can you spot the triangular prism?

We work very hard every week in order to earn our Golden Time. Here we are playing, constructing and drawing.
