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Comparing Sets

P1 explored the language more/less/ fewer when comparing 2 sets. 

Comparing Christmas Trees for size

P1 worked together to decorate Christmas trees. They compared, ordered and discussed the different sizes using words like wide, narrow, tall , short, big and small. 

Making a Pictogram on Just2easy

P1 created a tally chart, counting many Christmas items. They used their tally chart to create a pictogram. We loved working alongside the P7s in the computer suite. 

Problem Solving

P1 had to help the elves find different ways to put 7 and 10 presents into 3 sacks. 

P1 used a Venn diagram to sort Santa’s Christmas presents in many different ways. They sorted for shape, size and colour. 🎅 🎁 

We used a categorising frame to focus on accurate counting and recognising numbers 1-7

We made a Christmas tree using -at words 🎄

We have been busy practising all of our key words by playing games and writing them in multi-sensory ways

Christmas number work

Segmenting CVC words with our sounds
