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Using our problem solving skills to find all the possibilities of +/- calculations

Using a categorising frame to practice our halves and quarters of amounts

P4 having great fun at our Halloween disco 🎃

Using a Categorising frame to answer our enquiry question- has Moira changed for the better?

Using a Describing Frame to describe our character Mr Barnes

During our fieldwork reflection, we drew a sketch of our experienced route

P4 Walk around Moira to investigate the question - Has Moira changed for the better?

Still image for this video

Once our fieldwork was all planned we left school and completed some fieldwork activities around Moira

We then used a Sequencing frame to order the landmarks we are hoping to see on our route

Before our trip this morning P4 planned their route on a map of Moira

Today P4M decided to collate all their evidence together and send an official letter to the planning committee to explain why we think they should revoke the permission to build over Moira Demesne

Playing Pictionary with our Geography vocabulary 🌍

Using practical equipment to help us half numbers

P4 received a letter from the PSNI asking for their help in drawing their 5 suspects in relation to their case against Paul Barnes. Here are some of our sketches...

Planting with Sharon Mc Master 🪴

P4M opened a story box of clues to what we think are Mr Barnes’ belongings! We used our measuring skills and completed a police report and will be sending it off to the PSNI to help them solve their investigation into Mr Barnes

P4M have been organising 2 step word problems using a Venn diagram

P4 enjoyed answering questions about their class novel, Esio Trot, using Mentimeter 💻

Today P4 went outside with trundle wheels and metre sticks to find the perimeter of key parts of our outdoor area 📏

P4 are loving using equipment to explore movement and balances in their gymnastic lessons 🤸

Categorising Maths vocabulary into addition and subtraction words

P4M’s investigation into Paul Barnes and the housing development planned for Moira Demesne continues...

Last night, Olivia, Amelia and Elsie found a shovel and a damaged signpost in Moira Demesne. We also found a ‘To do’ list which we suspect is Mr Barnes’. We are disgusted at his plans and have warned Mr Ford of his plans. We are on high alert now and need to move quick to stop this horrid man! 

P4 have been using their knowledge of addition and subtraction column methods to solve a treasure hunt this morning

Learning to code using

Break the rules day!

ABL: creating our own stained glass windows inspired by St John’s church

ABL: using interactive maps and our compass knowledge to explore Ireland

ABL: Using the categorising frame to group materials

Using our beautiful outdoor environment to recreate buildings in Moira

Learning about numbers 1-10 in Mandarin

Balancing and Moving as Different Animals in PE

Rehearsing our folk dance 🎶

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Rehearsing our folk dance 🎶

Still image for this video

Rehearsing our folk dance 🎶

Learning to subtract (including exchanges) with Dienes 🌟

Sharing our poems for National Poetry Day 🤩
