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Digital Leader Meetings 2023-2024


Monday 11th September 2023

All children who completed an application form to become a Digital Leader for 2023-2024, were invited to the UICT Suite to complete an assessment task. They were required to show their typing skills, computer navigational skills and technical support assistance based on a scenario. From this, 3 children were selected to represent each class in Primary 6 and 7. The newly appointed 12 Digital Leaders across the four classes met to outline our views and expectations for the year ahead. Well done to all those pupils who were selected! 



Monday 16th October 2023

The Digital Leaders team met together in the UICT Suite to complete two tasks, focusing on accessibility tools here in Moira Primary School. As a group, we discussed the importance of all children in our school receiving equal opportunities to learn, progress and develop to their maximum individual potential and how accessibility tools through ICT can help achieve this. 


Firstly, the Digital Leaders created individual 'App Reviews' to display on our school website. They each selected an app which they find beneficial to encourage other children within our school community to try out. For example, one of our Digital Leaders created an App Review on 'Read&Write' because they find it most beneficial for writing tasks due to the proofreading features it occupies. 


Secondly, to allow for fluent accessibility of our shared reading texts here at Moira Primary School, the Digital Leaders worked together to AirDrop the shared texts onto all pupil iPads. This will allow for shared texts to independently be used effectively by all learners during Literacy, Guided Reading and Novel lessons. 



Monday 18th December 2023

The Digital Leaders were taught how to update C2k passwords for all pupils in Moira Primary School. They worked together as a team to ensure that passwords were ready to go for the beginning of Term 2. As always, our Digital Leaders in Moira Primary School are very useful in helping to ease the use of technology for all other pupils in school. It is always very much appreciated! 


We had a discussion about Safer Internet Week, which will take place in February 2024. The Digital Leaders enjoyed expressing what they feel our activities in school should involve and we discussed the E-Safety assembly which will be led by Digital Leaders. This team of pupils have some very exciting plans for this themed week and we very much look forward to it in the new year. 



Monday 29th January 2024

The Digital Leaders worked on their Assembly presentation for Safer Internet Day, which is taking place on Tuesday 6th February 2024. The theme this year is - 'Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online'.


All representatives on the Digital Leaders team found resources for different classes to use. As well as this, we had a discussion about the interactive workshops which are taking place by Thrive Academy and REIM.


As part of Safer Internet Day this year, the Digital Leaders decided it would be a good idea to host a whole school poster competition. They designed a template for the children to complete for this and they will be in charge of selecting the winners and presenting the awards during their Safer Internet Day assembly. 



Monday 26th February 2024

We are extremely lucky to already be exceptionally well resourced with ICT equipment at Moira Primary School however we have just recently just ordered and received new iPads. These will add to the 15 iPads per class full-time so that larger classes have access to at least one between two. 


The Digital Leaders met to set up new iPads and to ensure they had screen protectors and cases on them. Moreover, they were trained on the best way to support their classes with iPad management / organisation in their classroom and how to push out apps that teacher wish to use. ​​​​​​
